Sunday, December 12, 2010

What is Story Siren Appreciation Week??

Welcome to The Story Siren Appreciation Week---a week to appreciate Kristi's contribution to the YA blogging world and wish her a happy 3 year blogoversary!  Basically we are two anonymous bloggers who adore Kristi as a blogger and a person and are so grateful for what she does for the YA blogging community and as a friend. A few months ago my fellow anonymous conspirator and I were talking about how awesome Kristi really is and that she doesn't realize how awesome she is nor does she get the recognition that she deserves. I mean, yes, everybody KNOWS who Kristi is and she gets recognized often but we think she needs to know how awesome she is. Sometimes even a star blogger like Kristi really needs to know how much people love her and respect her--not for her giveaways, not for her celebrity-like status-- but for the awesome person she is,  how passionate she is about YA literature and how she really has been the pioneer of the YA blogging community. Those are all things worthy of recognition and thanks!

This project is our way to show Kristi just how wonderful she is and how we all really do appreciate her. We've been really excited about working on it over the past month or so and hope that you all take the time to give some love to Kristi! So, whether you have been influenced to start a blog because of Kristi or have just been a friend of hers through the blogging world, leave some love for her!

Throughout this week we will be having guest posts and words from authors and bloggers to show appreciation to Kristi as well as giveaways for some of Kristi's favorite books!  If you have something that you would like to say to Kristi please use the chat box.

Authors who will be generously hosting a giveaway throughout the week:

Lesley Livingston:  one (1) signed, finished hardcover copy of Tempestuous.
Stephanie Kuehnert:  one (1) signed copy of Ballads of Suburbia (US ONLY!)
Sophie Jordan:  one (1) signed, finished copy of Firelight & Firelight swag.
Holly Schindler:  one (1) signed author bookmark.
Julie Kagawa:  one (1) copy of The Iron King and one (1) copy of The Iron Daughter
Lisa Desrochers:  one (1) signed copy of Personal Demons, signed Original Sin bookmarks, and Team Luc and Team Gabe tattoos.
A.S. King:  Please Ignore Vera Dietz mini pizza box of interesting Vera Dietz-related swag (non-chocolate lovers, do not apply!)
Jeri Smith-Ready: one (1) signed, finished copy of Shade.
Cindy Pon:  one (1) signed, finished copy of Silver Phoenix.


  1. Yay! exciting for the holiday season to show love and appreciation to our friend.

  2. Love you Kristi!! You are the best. I appreciate your friendship so much! :)

  3. Fabulous Idea! Thanks Kristi for all that you do!

  4. This is awesome!! So excited this is up! :) Yay Kristi- we love you so much!

  5. Awesome idea. Thank you Kristi you are truly inspirational!

  6. awe you guys are too sweet to be doing this! :) love The Story Siren, one of the reasons i started blogging! :)

  7. This is awesome! Ironically she IS the reason I started blogging about books as well. I happened to see her name and review in a book I was reading and decided to check it out. Thank you for the inspiration, Kristi! :) You rock! :D

  8. okay.... i don't usually cry first thing in the morning, but i am. this is so very touching, and you have no idea how much your kind words mean! and this work you did. wow. i am absolutely blown away. thank you so very much. i don't feel worthy.

  9. Kristi is one of the nicest and hardest working people that I've met in the reading/writing/publishing/blogging community. Even though I've never met her in real life, lol.
    Thanks for all you do Kristi!

    Maurissa Guibord

  10. Kristi - Enjoy your special week. We all love you!

  11. This is a great idea! Happy Blogoversary Kristi! Thank you for being such an inspiration to your fellow book bloggers!

  12. This is so awesome. Kristi was the first blogger who reached out to me. I think that many bloggers strive to have their blogs be as clever and original.

  13. Kristi is an amazing blogger who gives great advice, and honest reviews. She has fun with her blog, while still being a constant professional. She's very passionate about what she does and seems like such a sweet person. I don't know her personally, but hopefully someday at a signing or event I'll get to met her! I want to thank Kristi for inspiring me and many others to start their own blogs. I don't think you're aware of how inspiring and important you are to the book blogging community. Hopefully now you do!!! Happy Blogoversary!

  14. This is wonderful! I've recently connected with Kristi about guest blogging and Inconvenient promo and she's just been so wonderful and supportive!! And she has so many reviews on her plate, but willing to give us newbies a chance!

  15. I don't know Kristi, but I've certainly appreciated all of the advice she puts up for us on her blog! It's an amazing body of work, and it's answered so many of my questions! Her blog is definitely one I look up to as a great example of blogging excellence.

    Thanks, Kristi!

  16. Congrats, Kristi! Your blog is one of the best blogs around. You share so much information and tips to us newbie bloggers. I also luv your IMM vlogs!

  17. yay! great way to show the love to the story siren! she is FABULOUS!

  18. This is an awesome way to show our love and appreciation.
